Unlocking creative possibilities to build brand legacy.

Wellbeing in Bids

What’s in a bid? For those familiar with the world of bidding, the answer is a lot. While it can be an incredibly rewarding process, it often comes with its share of intense moments – whether it’s tight deadlines or unexpected questions. During these high-pressure times, maintaining balance is crucial for mental health and clarity. Sharon, one of our senior designers, understands this better than anyone. One of her key strategies for staying centred is through health and fitness.


Sharon Chapman

We asked Sharon Chapman, our senior designer and bids guru… how do you stay fit and well during tenders?

Maintaining this balance is essential to ensuring our clients get the best results, every time.

Hi, I’m Sharon, a fitness enthusiast and a bid expert with over a decade of experience in bringing to life process maps, organograms, infographics and considered typography. My passion for fitness fuels my focus, helping me stay sharp and deliver high-quality work even under tight schedules.

A daily routine: keeping me healthy

Exercise is an essential part of my daily life. Sitting still and staring at a screen all day is a challenge – I just can’t do it! To balance the intensity of tendering, I stick to my exercise routine. Fresh air is non-negotiable. While some turn to coffee or wine, I opt for Cherry Pepsi Max, plenty of water, and a run. Staying hydrated is key to maintaining my mood and focus!

Mornings: taking control where I can

Given the unpredictable nature of tenders, I take control where I can, typically the early mornings. I switch my main evening training sessions to first thing. By the time I start work at 8:30am, I’m alert, awake, and ready to tackle whatever comes my way – though I can’t say the same when I begin my 10k run at 6am. At that hour, I often question my life choices, but after the first 10 minutes, I’m enjoying running along the River Trent and through the fields near my home.

Travel: stress-busting exercise

On days when I head to the studio, I swap running for biking. My morning routine includes an hour on my indoor smart-bike, followed by a 4.3-mile uphill cycle to the studio where I listen to the public transport and traffic horror stories feeling smug. Biking home downhill is also a nice way to disconnect from the demands of the day too.

Lunchtime: staying fuelled and focused

Lunchtime during a tendering process isn’t always at a conventional hour. To ensure I can eat regardless of the timing, I prepare my lunch the night before – no one wants to see me hangry. The default bid food seems to be biscuits and crisps, with the odd takeaway thrown in. Studies show if even a healthy person switches to a better diet their productivity will rise by 10%. I am healthier in my eating during bids than at any other time!

Afternoons: keeping moving

To keep my mind sharp, I take a one-hour break in the afternoon, making sure to get outside and move. Whether it’s a 3.5-mile walk to Trent Bridge (who else can say they walk past two league football grounds during their break?), a walk around Attenborough Nature Reserve, or an outdoors weight class (Les Mills BodyPump) in my home gym, I’m lucky to have these options. Research shows that short bursts of activity can boost concentration for up to an hour afterwards, and trust me, it works.

Evenings: maintaining endurance

When there is a rare need to work later, I still prioritise a break to fit in a quick weight or circuit session and grab some food before tackling the ‘late shift’. On days I know I will be working late, I even go as far as planning healthy and quick evening meals. This routine is crucial in helping me maintain the endurance necessary to consistently deliver creative graphics and focus on copy.

Teamwork beats stress and fatigue

Recently, during a particularly demanding tender, I couldn’t work on a Saturday, so I worked late on the Friday to ensure everything was ready for a smooth start for the weekend team. At SANDBOX, we’re fortunate to have a strong team spirit, and we all do what we can to support each other. Team support and mutual trust is a real stressbuster.

Laughing relieves the pressure

Late-night working sessions show just how vital team support is. We still laugh about the time when Helen (our Strategy Director) was on a Teams call from her hairdresser’s, and another when she was in her dressing gown at 3am. These rare moments remind us that even during the most intense tender deadlines, we’re in it together. 

My conclusion, by staying fit, eating healthily, remaining hydrated, preparing for the unpredictable, and relying on your team, you can handle the rigours of tenders with stamina, humour, a healthy body and a focussed mind.